Annoyances when specifying property values in Spring
Can you spot any issues with specifying a value like this:
<bean id="casProxyTicketValidator"
<property name="casValidate">
<property name="proxyCallbackUrl">
<property name="serviceProperties">
<ref bean="serviceProperties" />
See the value of proxyCallbackUrl
? Because of the way it’s spaced, it ends up getting newlines and spaces in the value. This issue caused me quite a headache today.
One way to address would be to make sure <value>
immediately surrounds the actual value. But there’s actually a cleaner syntax for doing this. It also has the benefit of being more succinct. Here’s what it looks like after being fixed:
<bean id="casProxyTicketValidator"
<property name="casValidate" value="https://localhost:8443/cas/proxyValidate"/>
<property name="proxyCallbackUrl" value="http://localhost:8085/cbip/casProxy/receptor"/>
<property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties"/>
Much better, right?